Java Marine API release notes Version 0.3 pre-alpha (b20110508193145) Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Kimmo Tuukkanen Third preview release, not to be used in production. Major API changes may be introduced in future versions. Released on 2011-05-08. CHANGES * Refactored and moved sentence id parsing to TalkerId and SentenceId enums. * GSA parser; refactored the satellite data parsing. The values were parsed once and cached, which resulted in inconsistency if setters had been used. Now, all values are parsed for each getter call. * SentenceParser no longer uses SentenceId enum to identify different sentence types. Plain Strings are used instead, e.g. "GGA" or "GLL", which enables extending the SentenceParser and thus creating custom parsers for unsupported sentence types. * Various small improvements and bug fixes. NEW FEATURES * SentenceReader notifies when data reading and event dispathcing has started and stopped. * Support for DPT and DBT sentences, i.e. depth of water. * Support for parsing proprietary sentences (TalkerId.P) KNOWN ISSUES * Position.distanceTo() may not produce correct results.