Java Marine API release notes Version 0.4 (b20110712215512) Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Kimmo Tuukkanen Pre-alpha preview release, not to be used in production. Major API changes may be introduced in future versions. Released on 2011-07-12. CHANGES * SentenceFactory; DPT parser was not automatically registered, fixed. * Parsing methods in SentenceId now validates the given String before parsing the id. * Double values are now rounded to certain decimal precision by setters. Also, course and bearing values are padded with leading zeros. * SentenceReader; reader now invokes SentenceLister.readingPaused() when data flow is paused, but reader is still running. The readingStopped() is now called only when reader has permanently stopped. Pause timeout can be set using the SentenceReader.setPauseTimeout() method. * SentenceValidator; fixed regular expressions to match all printable ASCII characters. Added also '!' as acceptable begin character. * TalkerId; Added more complete list of talker ids. * SentenceEvent; creation time stamp is now returned as plain long value. * Date; constructor was setting month off by one, fixed. NEW FEATURES * Added method for unregistering parsers in SentenceFactory. * Added TPVProvider that reports time, position, altitude, velocity and course from GPS in a single event. Report is constructed by capturing the required data from several sentences. This is also the initial implementation and preview of high level APIs that focus on actual data instead of sentences. * SentenceParser; added methods for setting double and integer values with leading zeros. Double values can also be rounded to certain precision. * SentenceListener; added readingPaused() notification. * Sentence; added convenience methods isValid() and isProprietary(). KNOWN ISSUES * Position.distanceTo() may not produce correct results.