Java Marine API release notes Version 0.5 (b20120508223056) This is a pre-alpha release, major API changes may be introduced in future versions. Released on 2012-05-08. CHANGES * GpsMode enum; renamed to FaaMode * SentenceValidator; separated sentence format validation and checksum checking in different methods by adding isSentence(String) method. * SentenceFactory; DBT and HDT parsers were registered incorrectly, fixed. * DPTSentence; added maximum depth setter/getter. * Extracted AbstractProvider base class from TPVProvider, may be used to implement custom providers. Added also base classes for provider events and listeners. * SentenceParser/SentenceValidator; added support for alternative begin character '!' to enable parsing AIS sentences. * Added new ids AI, AB and BS in TalkerId enum to support parsing AIS messages. * Fixed a precision problem in ZDA parser. * Improvements and fixes in Javadocs. NEW FEATURES * Support for MWV sentences; wind speed and angle. * Support for MTA sentences; air temperature. * Support for MTW sentences; water temperature. * Support for HDT sentences; current true heading. * Support for HDM sentences; current magnetic heading. * Support for HDG sentences; current magnetic heading with variation/deviation. * Support for VHW sentences; water speed and heading. * HeadingSentence interface for sentences providing current heading. * HeadingProvider that reports current heading. * SentenceFactory; added method for creating parsers without input data. * SentenceParser; setDegreesValue(double) method for bearing, course etc, validates the value to be within 0..360 degrees. KNOWN ISSUES * Position.distanceTo() may not produce correct results. * Proprietary sentences with ID longer than five characters are not supported. * All AIS sentences may not be supported, TalkerId contains only AI, AB and BS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * Thanks to Warren Zahra/ for contribution in VHW and MTW parsers. * Thanks to Josué Alcalde González for patch to add support for '!' begin char.